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Deux Punx Blend 2023

Conta Costa Valley, California Chardonnay, Marsanne, Roussane, Moscofilero An unusual and surpris...

Conta Costa Valley, California

Chardonnay, Marsanne, Roussane, Moscofilero

An unusual and surprisingly delicious blend of white California varietals. It is faintly tropical on the nose, but the aromatic varieties shine on the palate: white flowers, yellow peach, key lime.  

Dan Schaaf, former skateboarder now water-resources engineer, and his partner Aaron Olson, former punk band drummer turned software engineer, have no intention of ever trading the security of their straight gigs for full-time winemaking. Because they don't want to be dependent on the income from wine to put food on the table - lest it change their motivation for natural winemaking and affordability.  They met in 2005 and bonded over this shared punk attitude. Their motto: “Deux Punx are the antidote the wine industry needs. Utter crassness! No training, no affiliations and plans to keep it that way. Punk rock ethos insist wines are made frugally and sold for honest prices.

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